Sunday, January 17, 2021

crochet top for teenagers

           Crochet Top for teenagers

Start to crochet this top from front bottom. 

Initiated with following design

1st row: 39 chain

2nd row: 7 dc 1 ch skip 1 st *5 dc 1 ch skip 1 st*, *-* repeat 4 times 7 dc at the end.

3rd row : *5 dc 1ch skip 1 st* *-* 3 times repeat 3 dc 1ch skip 1 st *-*again 3 times repeat..

4th row: 3 dc 1 ch skip 1 st, 5dc 1 ch skip 1 st , 5 dc 1 ch skip 1 st, 7 dc 1 ch skip 1 st, 5 dc 1 ch skip 1st, 5 dc 1 ch skip 1 st 3 dc

5th row: 7 dc 1ch skip 1 st, 5dc 1ch skip 1 st , 11 dc 1ch skip 1 st, 5 dc 1ch skip 1st, 7 dc

6th row 5dc 1ch skip 1 st, 5dc 1ch skip 1 st, 

7dc 1ch skip 1 st, 7dc 1ch skip 1 st, 5dc 1ch skip 1 st, 5dc

7th row 3dc 1ch skip 1 st, 5dc 1ch skip 1 st, 7dc 1ch skip 1 st, 3dc 1ch skip 1 st, 7dc 1ch skip 1 st, 5dc 1ch skip 1 st, 3dc

8th row: 7dc 1ch skip 1 st, 7dc 1ch skip 1 st, 

3dc 1ch skip 1 st, 3dc 1ch skip 1 st, 7dc 1ch skip 1 st, 7dc.

9th row: Repeat 7th row

10th row: Repeat 6th row

11th row: Repeat 5th row

12th row: Repeat 4th row

13th row: Repeat 3rd row

14th row: Repeat 2nd row

15th row: 9dc 1ch skip 1 st, 5dc 1ch skip 1 st, 7dc 1ch skip 1 st, 5dc 1ch skip 1 st, 9dc

 Repeat 2 to 15th row 3 more times.

Base will complete.

Now keep the base sidewise and in every dc make 2 single crochet

Next line sc in each sc

Now zigzag design will start.

1st row: 5 dc 1 chain skip 1 stitch repeat till end.

2nd row: 4 dc 1ch skip 1 st, *5dc 1ch skip 1 st* till end finish with 6dc

3rd row: 1dc 1 ch skip 1 st, *5 dc 1 ch skip 1 st* till end finish with 2 dc

4th row : Repeat 2nd row

5th row : Repeat 1st row

6th row : Repeat 2nd row

7th row : Repeat 3rd row

Base line:- *DC across the row and inplace of every 12th dc skip 1 stich and make 1 chain.

Now start the spider web stitch

1st row… Make 13 dc *3 ch leave 1 st. Make  1 tc on next st. Leave 1 st again 1 tc in total 4 tc skipping 1 st after 4tc 3 chain and 3 dc on on next 3 st* i.e. On 23rd 24th and 25th st. 

Repeat *-* 6 times and end the row with 13 dc

2nd row… 13 dc *3 ch 4 sl st on previous tc. 3 ch 3 dc* repeat *-*6 times and end the row with 13 dc

 3rd row…. Same as 2nd row

4th row… 13 dc *1 ch 4tc 1 ch in between on sl st. 1 ch 3dc&* repeat *-*6 times and end the row with 13 dc

Repeat the base line and complete spider web stitch.. make it thrice..

Now start the top from neck.. 12, 24,24 ,24 and 12 dcfc put marker on every end of the number.

Now return with *1 dc 1 ch skip 1 st.* Untill 11th st. On 12th st. "Make 2dc 2 ch 2dc" put marker in 2nd ch repeat *-* untill 23rd on 24th st repeat "-" repeat *-* do the same till end

Now return with dc till 1st marker *make 2dc 2ch 2dc on markers place* put the marker on 2ch space. Do the same till end. 

Repeat the 1dc1ch sk 1st line and dc line one more time and join the ends together and make it a complete circle.

 Now complete the circle by doing 12 more lines and it will convert into upper part of the top.

The  initial 12 12 st part will be the back side of top opposite of 24th st become the front part of the top. Rest both will become arms of the top. Now.join the previously did piece with this upper part of the top.

For the back lower part separately make a square piece measure the same length of front part of top with same design as the upper part of top and join with back part of the top.

Now join both front and back part sidewise.

In the arms repeat the zig zag design but in round and decreasing order 11 times.

Now end the edges with slanting scallop border. *Dc+hdc+sc all in a st skip 1 st slip st to next. Continue from* around. 

On the.cut of back neck SC from start to wnd 2 lines on both side. End with a loop on right side and put a button with cover of same thread for fitting.